Hopkins Homes has proposed 350 high-quality new homes, including affordable homes, as well as new public open space and allotments. The application comprises a Full Application for 343 new homes, an Outline Application for the care facility (details will be submitted at a later stage) and an Outline Application for the 7 self-build plots. Existing employment uses will be retained and enhanced through provision of a new improved access point, via the proposed link road.
The proposed development will include a broad range of open market homes. Bungalows will be provided alongside a selection of 1,2,3 and 4 bedroom homes to respond to local needs.
Part of the site has been allocated in the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan (policy reference: NW01), while the entire site has been allocated within the emerging North Norfolk Local Plan (policy reference NW01/B).
Following consultation with local residents and stakeholders, a number of changes were made to help evolve the scheme which include:
Refinement of the street layout.
Refinement of the road connection linking the central and southern portions of the site to enable better traffic management.
Provision of 7no. self-build properties to the south of the proposed elderly care facility, in accordance with emerging Local Plan policy HOU2;
Provision of an indicative layout for the proposed elderly care facility, comprising three-storey development with parking and open space. This element of the site remains in outline, with final proposals to be taken forward by a specialist care operator at a later date, with the remainder of the site proposed as part of a detailed full planning application.
Increased retention and enhancement of the vegetation located to the centre of the site in response to pre-application comments from NNDC Officers and comments from residents at November’s public consultation event, including a 30m ecological corridor to the north of the care home site as requested by NNDC Officers, while maintaining delivery of a required road connection between Ewing Road and Hornbeam Road.
Retention of a significant buffer between the boundaries of properties on Nursery Drive and Norwich Road and the proposed development, to respond to concerns raised by residents at the public consultation event.
Illustrative site masterplan
The development at Norwich Road will deliver numerous benefits as part of the proposals. These include: