
The emerging masterplan for Sandford Park has already been subject to consultation with local stakeholders, through meetings and workshops that took place in late 2020. Now that a full masterplan has been prepared and submitted, Hopkins Homes and Chelmsford City Council are now seeking views on the submitted document.

You can comment via Chelmsford City Council’s portal, send us a question, or join one of our Livechat sessions.

Further details on the exhibition will be provided on the website in due course, but if in the meantime you have any comments, please do get in touch with us in one of the following ways:

  • Write to us at our Freepost address: Freepost, MPC CONSULTATION. No stamp is required.

  • Call our Freephone line on: 0800 148 8911

  • Email us at:

  • Ask a question on this website or join one of our Livechat sessions.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to give us a call, or email us at